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search: ELEMENT

Visualtraveling - Meet The Stans

Not much is known to the world about the bizarre countries within Central Asia all ending with 'stan. 'Meet the Stans' documents the journey of a group of various skateboarders traveling along the ancient Silk Road traversing China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.****************************************************************************************** Featuring...

Music On Board 2011 (video - update)

Το περασμένο ΠαρασκευoΣαββατοΚύριακο διεξήχθει στην Πάτρα το 2ο 'Music on Board' skate and music festival απο το '50-50 skateshop' . Απο νωρίς την Παρασκευή ειχε στηθεί στην πλαζ ένα μικρό skatepark με πολλά και ενδιαφέροντα obtacles (munual pad, quarter...

Element - Make It Count - Athens (update)

The first Element - Make It Count contest for Greece, took place yesterday Aplil 9th at the new skatepark of Argiroupoli. Although the skatepark has been built wrong(cause neither the major of Argiropoli nor the architect refused to take any advise from the skaters on how it should be built) the Greek skaters manage to give quite a great perfomance. The contest took place in 2 spots. The 1st spot...