Self Discovery for Social Survival - Full Movie 1 Apr 2020 Απολαύστε πενήντα λεπτά σουρεαλιστικής συμβίωσης μεταξύ εξαιρετικής μουσικής και μοναδικών τοπίων όπου ‘γνωστοί άγνωστοι’ ζωγραφίζουν! μουσική από:Allah-Las, Connan Mockasin, Andrew VanWyngarden, Peaking Lights riders:Stephanie Gilmore, Creed...
Saint EUGENIE church...surfboards are allowed! 5 Sep 2011 The funny thing about the above photo is that at the entrance of the church lays a surfboard.......WTF???? ... On the custom shaped board someone wrote - JESUS EST MA PLANCHE DE SALUT!-meaning JESUS IS MY SALVATION BOARD! What is yours? (Spotted in Biarritz).
90's nostalgia or not? 18 Jul 2011 The Stussy Las Vegas crew takes us through a summer day trip on the outskirts of sin city. First they hit an abandoned patch of desert for some afternoon fun and then head to the pool to cool off during a night time swim session. but the above ad reminds me the scene in the pool from ''THE KIDS'' film Directed by Larry Clark back in 1995!!!Harold Hunter R.I.P!