Dane Reynolds ''SAMPLER'' 9 Jun 2015 11 λεπτά με τον Dane Reynolds σε ενα νέο edit απο το Marine Layer Productions που συνοδεύεται με μια εξομολόγηση σε κλασσικό στυλ Dane... so here’s SAMPLER, which is a collection of surfing i’ve done the past year that didn’t make it into ‘cluster.’ so yeah, it is...
The NEW Burton Safari Collection 31 Mar 2015 Η Burton Snowboards σε συνδυασμό με την Big Agnes,(κορυφαίος κατασκευαστής σκηνών και, υπνόσακων ) συνεργάστηκαν με σκοπό τη δημιουργία προϊόντων κάμπινγκ .Η συλλογή περιλαμβάνει τεχνικές σκηνές, υπνόσακους, παπλώματα, καρέκλες με...
Chris Cole: Want a great idea? Ask a skateboarder. 1 Mar 2015 Ο Chris Cole εξηγεί γιατί οι σκέιτερ είναι trendsetters, καινοτόμοι, και out-of-the-box οραματιστές...Όντως !!!
Kelly Slater wins Pipe Masters 2013 19 Dec 2013 Ο Kelly Slater κερδίζει για έβδομη χρονιά το Pipe Master's που έγινε προς τιμήν του Andy Irons. Διαβάστε και το σχετικό άρθρο στα αγγλικά: Quiksilver’s Kelly Slater has won this year’s Billabong Pipe Masters, his seventh Pipe Masters win. With incredible 15 foot waves at Pipeline, Slater, 41, walked...
vouliagmeni 17-18 /01 25 Jan 2013 Here are more photos from the seventeenth and the eighteenth of January...BIG thanks to Maki -Lia Katopodi and Adrea Tsamtsouri for documenting these magic moments of wave gliding... Dimitris Skoulariotis Efi Vrakas pumping with more style than most of the guys out there! Kostantinos Hatzopoulos Giwrgos Hraniotis cruising on waist high peeler... ...and on the...
Lines Contest No2 Big Final-Orfeas Sotiriou 10 Sep 2012 32 years old competitor and the brain behind this contest (plus a series of videos through Tekmor.gr)! Dinos Orfeas Sotiriou and his line at Galatsi Ghetto Park for ''Lines Contest No2''
Lines Contest No2 Big Final-Minas Patoulas 24 Aug 2012 Lines Contest No2 with Minas Patoulas in galatsi skatepark......! ....and in case you are wondering who the guy with the cops cap is......his name is Alexandros ''Paps'' Pantzaris !..... get to know him better by checking the clip below!
Lines Contest -2nd Spot with Kostas Tzemis 3 Aug 2012 The tallest competitor for the Lines Contest No2 Kostas Tzemis and his unique pop skills at CU Plaza Athens. 20 minutes he has for at least 1 line. His competitors will judge him at the end and we will see if he will pass to the ''Big Final''!
lakouvardos 17-7-12 18 Jul 2012 For those who managed to skip work or get out of family obligations last Monday and drove south got rewarded big time. With the north west wind blowing hard, it created waves all over the southern peloponise coastline... Vertical off the lip by Kostas Miamis . Dinos choosing the high line on a wedgy left... Xronis came all the way from...
X Games Los Angeles 2012 8 Jul 2012 You may agree or disagree with the whole X Games thing but some amazing skateboarding went down this year in Los Angeles. Check out the winning runs from the street, park, big air and vert and witness the progression of skateboarding. ENJOY!!! ***************************************************************************************************** PARK Results : Pedro Barros Gold,...
FULL ON - Skate Contest photos 26 Jun 2012 Little kids, girls, hammers, old men, young guns older guns, all were there at the 'Our park' skate plaza for the Full on skate contest.Here are some photos to take a glimpse of what went down last Saturday at the vodafon cu skate plaza. ************************************************************************* Young gun - boneless 180 Crooked Girls were having...
"SESSION AT THE MUSEUM" 19 Jun 2012 A while ago we presented you on of the biggest mini ramp ever made in Bordeaux...On Monday 4th of June, the Contemporary Art Museum of Bordeaux, as well called CAPC, opens its doors for a private session to a part of the Electric French skate team supervised by the Photographer David Manaud.The young Vincent Matheron from Marseille, Julien Béchet and the local hero Benjamin Chadourne could...
Street League 2012 fueled by MONSTER - 1st stop Kansas City 21 May 2012 Η 1η στάση του Street League για το 2012 ήταν το Kansas City όπου ο Ευρωπαίος Bastien Salabanzi έδειξε σε όλους οτι δεν βρέθηκε τυχαία εκεί αφού κατέκτησε την 2η θέση. 1ος αναδείχθηκε και πάλι ο Nyjah Huston κάνοντας skate απο άλλο...
Dc Area 43 video.. 22 Mar 2012 This Video is about having fun in dc area 43!!!Nice vibes,sick place,best hospitality....Totaly awesome!Big Big Thanx to Julien Jesus Vaury! Shooting and editing by Stanleyzzz and AlexGrymanis DC Area 43 Meribel-Mottaret
Sublime Stories Part 1 20 Mar 2012 If you pass by sublime store at Glyfada remember that the ramp in front is not to be ridden. Keep in mind that Nikos and Giotis in the pics and video below are trained professionals. ...