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A while ago we presented you on of the biggest mini ramp ever made in Bordeaux...On Monday 4th of June, the Contemporary Art Museum of Bordeaux, as well called CAPC, opens its doors for a private session to a part of the Electric French skate team supervised by the Photographer David Manaud.The young Vincent Matheron from Marseille, Julien Béchet and the local hero Benjamin Chadourne could...

Volcom Peanut Butter rail jam 2012 Greece

Volcom's peanut butter rail jam in Greece will take place @ helmos resort (kalavrita) on the 4rth of February....keep the date in mind and start detuning the edges on your boards! Get Ready! 2012 Volcom Europe PBRJ Tour! from Volcom on Vimeo. Volcom Stone’s European PBRJ season 2012 kicks off! Opening Day of the Volcom Stone Peanut Butter and Rail Jam European Season 2012...

wild in the parks finals-copenhagen

Volcom Stone celebrated the European Wild In The Parks Championships at that outstanding outdoor skatepark in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark.What is fun about this contest is that it gathers plenty of people who qualified in their local WITP (Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, France, England, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland), not only the...