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This Saturday 6th of October the infamous skate fest Wild In The Parks FINALS will take place in Sevilla (Spain)...Notis Aggelis will be there representing so make sure you tune in because the whole contest will be on live webcast by clicking on this link! for more info about the schedule just go on Volcom's Europe page! Here is some of Notis raw footage from a few months ago to refresh...

Propaganda Rollin Co. at the DC Embassy Barcelona

Πριν λίγους μήνες το team της Propaganda (Maxime Genin, Notis Aggelis, Bastien Marllin, Nikos Molochtos, John Geko με χτυπημένη φτέρνα) , Stive Vignis και Dicky Bury)βρέθηκε στην Βαρκελώνη και είχε την ευκαιρία να κάνει skate στο skatepark του φημισμένου DC Embassy. Ενα μεγάλο BRAVO...

CU 7PLY Project 2012 - Main Event Official Edit

CU 7PLY Project skateboard art and culture festival took place in Thessaloniki in Vilka Area. The fest normaly takes place in Athens but this year we decided to celebrate the seventh edition by returning the organisation in the place city where it was born. The best set up ever, amazing artwork on the skateboard decks and real party atmosphere. Produced by Propaganda Rollin co. Sponsored by...