Olympic Air 2001 x Dimitris Zogaris 23 Apr 2019 Απολαύστε το σύντομο κλιπ του Περικλή Δημητροπουλου για μια φρέσκια καλλιτεχνική προσέγγιση του ξεχασμένου Αεροδρομίου στο Ελληνικό... με πρωταγωνιστή τον Δημήτρη Ζόγκαρη !
5 minutes with Makis Kalaras 13 Aug 2012 Πως ξεκίνησες να κάνεις seat ski και πως αποφάσισες να αλλάξεις άθλημα παρόλο που ήσουν παραολυμπιονίκης στην δισκοβολία? Όλα ξεκίνησαν μέσω του διαδυκτίου. Πρίν 3 χρόνια είδα μια εκδρομή στη βόρεια Νορβηγία, η οποία...
Avg Cruising Laax... 4 May 2012 Laax is way different since the last time i went...The park has changed a lot..and its much better like that!We spend few days at the end of the season and and this is some of the footage we shot with Avg!
Spring session with Mike Avg! 7 Apr 2012 What a bumpy bumpy ride! Bs disaster Fs board Stalefish gap Fs blunt Gap to nose Fs board
Volcom Peanut Butter Rail Jam Photos! 4 Mar 2012 PBRJ took place at kalavrita ski center this past weekend on the 3rd of march. The sun was shining all day long. It was the perfect weather for a perfect day!The DJ on the decks kept the music loud.. and smiles,laughs and lot of snowboard tricks were landed all over the park! Winners of the contest : Dimitris maniatis-mens category , Jason Siamidas-kids and Dora Tzortzaki for womens!
Sunny DC Area 43!!! 24 Feb 2012 We got some action today! Swiss crew rockin at the park! Στάνλυ Where's Wally? AG Jesus in chef mode! Σπόροι
DC AREA 43 Meribel Mottaret! 23 Feb 2012 This year DC's Area 43 snow park is based in Méribel-Mottaret and we definitely had to check it out! Here are a few photos from day one... Alpes! Geneva Airport.. We arrived in Méribel and found Jesus the MAN!!! Swiss DC team is with us... DC Area 43 Skate line?
TTR Burton European Open 2012 30 Jan 2012 Launching into its 13th edition, the TTR Burton European Open will take place in LAAX from Feb. 25th -- March 3rd, 2012. 400 riders from all over the world will battle for BGOS & TTR World Ranking Points trying to get a share of the US$ 125.000 prize-purse in Halfpipe & Slopestyle competitions
Tampa Am 2011 5 Dec 2011 Το ΣΚ που μας πέρασε διεξηχθει το στην πόλη Tampa στην Florida το πιο αναγνωρισμένο skate contest σε όλο τον κόσμο - το Tampa Am 2011. Αυτό που κάνει αυτό το contest τόσο ξεχωριστό είναι οτι αν κάποιος skater καταφέρει να κερδίσει μία απο τις 3...
Freestyle Zurich. 28 Sep 2011 This past weekend I witnessed the event-extravaganza called Freestyle Zurich. With over 32.000 people from all over the globe, the event was packed- and for a good reason. Skate, Snowboard, FMX and Ski competitions with ramps and slopes of MEGA sizes, a food court with Swizerland's finest beer and food, a label world with lots of freebies and shops for those who wanted to take home some...