This past weekend one of Athens biggest annual events took place at S.E.F. arena...2012's ATHENS SUPERCROSS powered by MONSTER ENERGY is always a treat not only for bike lovers but an opportunity to see live a great show that you don't get to see everyday! Seriously,how often do you get to see head to head battles on dirt and guys flipping motorbikes on 25m kickers? So this year the organization was really good and the show took place with the classic heats race between greek and foreign riders,little kids race that was really fun to watch,bmx show with some of the best greek riders and of course freestyle that always steals everybodys attention!!!This year one of the best freestyle riders in the world, DC's Andre Villa came and along with FMX's style master Drake Mc Elroy and our own super talented Nontas Logothetis kept everybody entertained!!! text&photos by R.S.P
1st heat
whip during the heat!

Little racers!

Nontas is a gentleman and took care of the MONSTER girls!

Andre Villa and Drake Mc Elroy watching one of the heats!

Nontas Logothetis higher than everybody else!

Andre' Villa with one of his multi flipping variations!

Drake Mc Elroy riding with super tight jeans and leather footed whip!

Villa again!

....and again!

bmx MONSTER boy George "trelos" Kalomenidis with a flip whip!

Wide angle view with Nontas!
whip during the heat!

Little racers!

Nontas is a gentleman and took care of the MONSTER girls!

Andre Villa and Drake Mc Elroy watching one of the heats!

Nontas Logothetis higher than everybody else!

Andre' Villa with one of his multi flipping variations!

Drake Mc Elroy riding with super tight jeans and leather footed whip!

Villa again!

....and again!

bmx MONSTER boy George "trelos" Kalomenidis with a flip whip!

Wide angle view with Nontas!